Lorraine Mellish
SCITT Director & MFL Subject Expert
Lorraine is the person directly responsible for the delivery and quality assurance of all aspects of the initial teacher training programme. This includes recruitment of course personnel and trainees, organisation, administration, teaching programmes, placements and assessments. She works closely with Manchester Metropolitan University and other SCITT providers. Lorraine has been teaching MFL for 31 years and has been involved in initial teacher training for 19 years, during which time she has worked as a Partnership Quality Officer for Edge Hill University and a QA Lead for MMU and the Cheshire East SCITT. Lorraine is also the MFL Subject Specialist Lead.

Kate Ford
SCITT Science Subject Expert
Kate is the High Ability learner coordinator, KS3 & 4 science teacher, KS5 Biology teacher & Btec Applied science programme leader and lead internal verifier at Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School. Kate has been teaching for 15 years, in various schools with teaching and learning responsibilities including whole school PSHE and science subject leader roles. She has led whole school INSET sessions for teaching staff, been a BFL mentor, supporting colleagues. Kate has worked in mentoring trainee teachers for numerous years, from different providers and always found the role rewarding.

Kate Allen
SCITT English Subject Expert
Kate is the Assistant Curriculum Leader of English at Sandbach School, teaching KS3 to KS5. Kate has successfully mentored student teachers from a wide range of providers and thoroughly enjoys the experience.
Alongside her position as ACL, Kate is an expert author for Seneca Learning and has produced key revision content for a wide array of AQA GCSE English Literature texts, as well as the entire AQA GCSE English Language course. Kate is also a GCSE Literature examiner for AQA, has a Masters in Education, and is keen to continue her own academic development.
Subject days across the year will be centred around the practical application of key strategies for English, with all sessions being catered to the needs of the student teachers. Days will be dedicated to practical approaches for teaching Shakespeare, addressing C19th texts, and examining poetry, as well as phonetics, AFL, metacognitive learning, and bringing other pedagogical theories to life.

David Fowler
SCITT Geography Subject Expert
David has been teaching at Sandbach High School for 10 years and has been involved with ITT during his time there. For the past 6 years David has been professional mentor for the school and has had responsibility for ITTs, ECTs and new staff induction. In the past year he has been assistant curriculum leader for humanities. During his time at Sandbach he has led and planned field trips in this country and across Europe for GCSE and A-level pupils. During subject days the Geography trainees will be looking how to embed the key concepts outlined in the recent OFSTED research review for the subject, curriculum design for a strong Geography curriculum and gain hands-on experience of field work with pupils at a local school.

James Barrett
SCITT Maths Subject Expert
James is the Operational Lead of Maths at Holmes Chapel and teaches from KS3 up to A-level and Core Maths at KS5. During subject days, the focus is on how to approach a range of educational issues from the perspective of a subject specialist. Subject Days complement the topics covered on the Centre-based training days, but with a particular focus on how to approach this specifically in Maths. Sessions will, for example, look at approaches to develop student’s problem solving skills or how to make challenging topics accessible for students. As Subject Lead he also provides additional support and monitoring while trainees are on placement.

Toni Brookshaw
SCITT History Subject Expert
Toni has been teaching for fifteen years and has been involved in ITT for ten. She has worked with a range of ITT providers, including most recently the Cheshire East SCITT. She has led the History department at Alsager High School, as well as having the role of Induction Mentor for NQTs. She is also Chair of Governors at a local primary school, giving an insight into the planning and delivery of the KS2 History curriculum. Subject days across the year will complement the centre based timetable, focusing on History specific application. For example, sessions will cover the delivery of source skills and evaluating interpretations as well as taking into account the wider considerations of designing a History Curriculum.

Lesley Brown
SCITT Social Sciences Subject Expert
Lesley is Curriculum Leader for Social Sciences at Malbank School, Nantwich. She has been a secondary school teacher and curriculum leader of the social sciences for over 30 years and delivers her subjects at KS4 and KS5. Lesley has also been a subject mentor to trainee teachers over the course of her career. Having spent over 20 years as a senior examiner for Psychology, understanding assessment will form part of the subject day content. Key topics across the breadth of subjects within the social sciences will also be covered to enable trainees to become more versatile.

Grace Barber
SCITT Music Subject Expert
Grace is Curriculum Leader for Music at Sandbach School and has been teaching for 14 years. She has been involved in ITT for 12 years with trainees on a number of different pathways including both Secondary Music and Secondary Music with Specialist Instrumental Teaching. She teaches KS3, 4 and 5 Music and Music Technology and directs the Cheshire Specialist A Level Music Course in conjunction with The Love Music Trust and The Royal Northern College of Music. She is a member of The Love Music Trust’s steering group which ensures there is balanced and quality music provision across Cheshire East in both primary and secondary school settings. Subject days across the year will focus on how to design an engaging music curriculum, adapting teaching and learning within different musical environments and setting up extra-curricular groups within a school.

Marc Bennett
SCITT PE Subject Expert
Marc is a physical education teacher at Alsager school has been teaching for 12 years, from KS3 up to KS5. He has held a number of positions within the department, including head of boys PE and deputy curriculum leader. Marc has been involved with ITT for 10 years and worked with a variety of providers.
Subject Days across the year are designed to complement the topics covered on centre based training days, providing a specific Physical Education focus. Subject specific topics include: designing and delivering and engaging curriculum (and extra curriculum programme) to cover a breadth of practical activities within the subject, as well as the study of GCSE, A-Level and vocational specifications.

Beth Williams
SCITT Drama Subject Expert
Bethan is drama lead at Eaton Bank Academy. She has been teaching for 21 years, during which time she has held responsibilities as Head of department, Head of Year, Head of Sixth Form and Creative Coach. She has also led a number of INSET sessions for teaching staff and trainee teachers. Subject days across the year will include Curriculum planning, delivery and assessment, practitioner and devising workshops and sessions on approaching a text for performance and theory.

Mary Mason Bernardi
SCITT Art Subject Expert
Mary is an Art and Design teacher at Malbank School, Nantwich. She has been teaching for ten years across KS3, KS4 and KS5. Mary has been involved as a subject mentor with ITT for 7 years. She also has been involved with a range of mentoring and coaching programmes and has pastoral experience as a Progress Manager.
Subject days across the year will focus on designing and delivering an engaging art curriculum, assessment and feedback, and developing a teacher portfolio. Subject days will also be used as practical workshops to provide opportunities for trainees to develop new subject knowledge and skills and to build on existing subject knowledge in relation to curriculum needs.

Andrew Middleton
SCITT Computing Subject Expert
Andrew is Director of Computer Science and IT at Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School. He has been teaching the subject for 25 years, during which time he has been a teacher, curriculum leader, assistant head teacher and deputy head teacher, alongside working with various CS professional bodies and examination boards and delivering the subjects at KS4 and KS5. Andrew has enjoyed being a subject mentor to many trainee teachers over the course of his career. He works with various Cheshire East governing bodies, both primary and secondary, which has enriched his insight of the importance and links with the KS2 curriculum. Subject Days across the year will complement the topics covered on centre based training days, providing a specific Computer Science focus. The topics will include: designing and delivering engaging lessons in Python, the breadth of theoretical topics from the workings of the computer to the nature of the internet, as well as the study of GCSE, A-Level and IT specifications.

Sonja Hollins-Wright
SCITT Business Subject Expert
Sonja is Deputy Curriculum Leader of The Communications Faculty (Business and Economics,
Computing and MFL) at Alsager School. Sonja has been teaching for 19 years and has held a
number of whole school positions. She has mentored trainee teachers for over 15 years
working with a variety of providers and finds the experience incredibly rewarding.
Alongside teaching KS4 and KS5 Business and Economics Sonja is responsible for curriculum
development of KS3 across the faculty.
Subject Days across the year will complement the topics covered on the Centre-based training
days, but with a particular focus on how to teach the subject effectively to exam groups and
how to plan and design effective enriching lessons.

Clare Mitchell
SCITT RE Subject Expert
Clare has been a secondary Religious Studies teacher for over 15 years. She teaches across all key stages and is responsible for developing provision at KS5. During that time Clare has worked at in inner city school and at Alsager School, holding different positions of responsibility. Clare has been a subject mentor to trainee teachers over the course of her career and is currently an NQT Induction Mentor.
Subject days across the year will focus on the legalities of Religious Studies in schools, curriculum planning, delivery of assessment, planning for difficult questions and the teaching of those more ‘controversial’ units of study as well as GCSE and A-Level specifications.

Lilian McKechnie
SCITT Administrator
Lilian is responsible for managing the administration of the course. She is often the first person to contact with any queries concerning the course, your application, interviews, pre-course information and financial matters. She also provides an experienced listening ear, plus help and advice with day-to-day challenges.

Annabel Bush
SCITT Administrator
Annabel is responsible for managing the administration of the NQT Appropriate Body induction packages. She is also responsible for managing the administration of the course in conjunction with Lilian. In addition to this she runs the School Experience Programme at HCCS.