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What is your background?


I completed my undergraduate degree in July 2023 in Spanish studies and Italian studies and within that I spent a year in Seville, Spain working as an English Language Assistant in a High School with the British Council.


Why did you decide to teach?


I have always wanted to be a teacher for as long as I can remember. Throughout my time in school, I really enjoyed Maths and wanted to share that with others. However, it was the passion and enthusiasm that my High School Language teachers had that put me on the path towards being an MFL teacher. When I look back at the best parts of High School, it was their lessons that made the time enjoyable and helped me to realise my potential within MFL. My career in education  was confirmed when I spent my Year Abroad working as an English Language Assistant, helping students realise what they can achieve and the benefits they can reap from learning a foreign language.


What do you enjoy about teaching?


The people around you really make the job. Your colleagues are right there with you and support you in any way that they can, but it's the students that have the biggest impact on you. You can never predict what will happen in your lesson and their attitude and wit can really entertain and brighten up your day.


Why did you choose the School Centered Initial Teacher Training route and the Cheshire East SCITT?


I loved being in the classroom from day 1. The students will see you as their teacher straight away as you start on the same day they do. It helps to build up a rapport with them quicker and helps you to form a relationship with your department too. I also agreed with the idea of weekly training sessions; learning on the job and having a weekly training focus can develop your skills as a teacher one-step at a time rather than all at once.


What are you looking forward to as an ECT?


I'm really looking forward to going back to my Placement A school as a fully qualified teacher. Throughout my trainee year, I developed so much as a teacher and I am so ready to be in the classroom by myself to create the learning environment that I want. It'll be lovely to be a fully-fledged teacher back in my old department as an equal and to be able to throw myself into the wider school life as a form tutor and an A level teacher.


What were the best three things about the programme?


1) The top of the list has to be the contrasting placements. I was concerned about going into Placement B given how much I enjoyed Placement A, but the SCITT team really knew what they were doing and gave me a second placement that meant I could develop my foundations in an entirely different context to prepare me in the best way possible for my career.


2) The other trainees become like a second family to you. They are going through the same thing as you and you're able to lean on them for support and vice-versa. SCITT Fridays were always the highlight of my week, being able to catch up with everyone about how it was going and sharing your successes and getting advice from other people in your position.


3) The support available is immense. I felt so supported knowing that, throughout the entire year, I had a subject mentor, a professional mentor, a subject expert, a SCITT director AND the SCITT team. They are really there to help you with whatever you need whether it be advice about a school situation, a personal issue or concerns about your progress.


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